Who are you?

Hi, we are iRaiser. Who are you? Before we start, we would like to know more about your organisation. Can you tell us about it and what you are raising money for? This way, we can build an iRaiser site that fits your needs.

Who are you?

Note: Kentaa is only intended for non-profit organizations and a Public Benefit Organization (PBO). Applications for personal initiatives and companies are not allowed.

Enter the name of your organisation here.

To fundraise with iRaiser, your organisation needs a merchant account with our Payment Service Provider. We will first check whether your organisation is eligible. You can finish your website registration and look around the platform; you are not committed to anything yet. If your organisation is suitable, we will help you with the Payment Service Provider onboarding. For this, we charge a one-off fee of € 750, - including VAT.

This will be displayed as an introductory text on your iRaiser page. Tell people about your organisation and the cause you are raising funds for. You can change this text later if needed.
Choose your iRaiser web address
Choose a short and easy to remember URL. You cannot change the URL later.